Calendar picker

Organize date selection for the user with the calendar picker component.

Create calendar picker

To create calendarpicker component add attribute data-role="calendarpicker" to form input element.

                    <input type="text" data-role="calendarpicker">

                    <input type="text" data-role="calendarpicker">
                    <input type="text" data-role="calendarpicker" value="1972/12/21" data-format="%d %b %Y">
                    <input type="text" data-role="calendarpicker" data-format="%d %B %Y">

Picker options

Calendar picker has several options, who effects to behavior of the component.

Option Data-* Default Desc
size data-locale METRO_LOCALE {en-US} Component language
size data-size 100% Component size
format data-format %Y/%m/%d Output date format
clearButton data-clear-button false Show/hide clear button
clearButtonIcon data-clear-button-icon <span class='mif-cross'></span> Icon for clear button
calendarButtonIcon data-calendar-button-icon <span class='mif-calendar'></span> Icon for show calendar button
copyInlineStyles data-copy-inline-styles false Copy inline styles input to wrapper
clsPicker data-cls-picker Additional class for calendarpicker

Calendar options

Calendar picker has several options, who effects to behavior of the picker calendar.

Option Data-* Default Desc
yearsBefore data-years-before 100 Years before today
yearsAfter data-years-after 100 Years after today
weekStart data-week-start 0 Start month from sunday or monday (0 - sunday, 1 - monday)
outside data-outside true Show dates outside from month (prev or next month dates)
ripple data-ripple false Add ripple effect to click
rippleColor data-ripple-color #cccccc Ripple color
exclude data-exclude null Dates can be excluded from selection
preset data-preset null Dates can be preselect
minDate data-min-date null Min date
maxDate data-max-date null Max date
clsToday data-cls-today Additional class for today
clsSelected data-cls-selected Additional class for selected
clsExclude data-cls-exclude Additional class for excluded
clsCalendar data-cls-calendar Additional class calendar
clsCalendarHeader data-cls-calendar-header Additional class for calendar header
clsCalendarContent data-cls-calendar-content Additional class for calendar content
clsCalendarFooter data-cls-calendar-footer Additional class for calendar footer
clsCalendarMonths data-cls-calendar-months Additional class for calendar months
clsCalendarYears data-cls-calendar-years Additional class for calendar years


When picker works, it generated the numbers of events. You can use callback for this event to behavior with picker. Rules for working with events are described on this page.

Event Data-* Default Desc
onDayClick(sel, day, el) data-on-day-click Metro.noop Callback for day click
onCalendarShow(el, cal) data-on-calendar-show Metro.noop Callback for calendar was showed
onCalendarHide(el, cal) data-on-calendar-hide Metro.noop Callback for calendar was hiding
onChange(val, date, el) data-on-change Metro.noop Callback for picker value was changed
onCalendarPickerCreate(el) data-on-calendar-picker-create Metro.noop Callback fired when picker is created

Select date in first picker and see change values in second picker

                    <input type="text"
                        data-role="calendarpicker" id="dp2"
                        data-on-change="$('#dp1').attr('value', (arguments[1]))">

                    <input type="text"
                        data-role="calendarpicker" id="dp1" data-format="%d %b %Y">


You can use picker method val() to set or get picker value in javascript. Also you can set or get picker value with using value attribute.

                    var cal = $(element).data("calendarpicker");


You can change attributes value, disabled data-locale at runtime and picker will be updated.

                    <div class="d-flex flex-justify-center mb-4">
                        <button class="button m-1" onclick="$('#calendarpicker_locale').attr('data-locale', $(this).text())">en-US</button>
                        <button class="button m-1" onclick="$('#calendarpicker_locale').attr('data-locale', $(this).text())">de-DE</button>
                        <button class="button m-1" onclick="$('#calendarpicker_locale').attr('data-locale', $(this).text())">hu-HU</button>
                        <button class="button m-1" onclick="$('#calendarpicker_locale').attr('data-locale', $(this).text())">uk-UA</button>
                        <button class="button m-1" onclick="$('#calendarpicker_locale').attr('data-locale', $(this).text())">ru-RU</button>

                    <input type="text" data-role="calendarpicker" id="calendarpicker_locale">