Cards, along with List View, is a one more great way to contain and orginize your information. Cards contains unique related data, for example, a photo, text, and link all about a single subject. Cards are typically an entry point to more complex and detailed information.

Simple Cards
This is simple card with plain text. But card could contain its own header, footer, list view, image, and any elements inside.
Card header
Card with header and footer. Card header is used to display card title and footer for some additional information or for custom actions.
Another card. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse feugiat sem est, non tincidunt ligula volutpat sit amet. Mauris aliquet magna justo.
Styled Cards
Journey To Mountains

Posted on January 21, 2015

Quisque eget vestibulum nulla. Quisque quis dui quis ex ultricies efficitur vitae non felis. Phasellus quis nibh hendrerit...

Lorem Ipsum

Posted on January 21, 2015

Quisque eget vestibulum nulla. Quisque quis dui quis ex ultricies efficitur vitae non felis. Phasellus quis nibh hendrerit...

Facebook Cards
John Doe
Monday at 3:47 PM
John Doe
Monday at 2:15 PM

What a nice photo i took yesterday!

Likes: 112    Comments: 43

Cards With List View
New Releases:
  • Yellow Submarine
  • Don't Stop Me Now
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    Michael Jackson