
Metro 4 provides the ability to easily create dialogs. Dialogs can be predefined or created in runtime.

About dialog

Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks. Metro 4 build windows with using next classes: .dialog, .dialog-title, .dialog-content and .dialog-actions and result dialog has next structure:

Use Windows location service?
Bassus abactors ducunt ad triticum. A fraternal form of manifestation is the bliss.

                    <div class="dialog">
                        <div class="dialog-title">Use Windows location service?</div>
                        <div class="dialog-content">
                            Bassus abactors ducunt ad triticum.
                            A fraternal form of manifestation is the bliss.
                        <div class="dialog-actions">
                            <button class="button">Disagree</button>
                            <button class="button primary">Agree</button>

Create dialog

Metro 4 provides two ways for create dialogs:

  • Predefined method
  • Runtime method

Predefined method

First-off you must create HTML element with special structure and define all actions required for dialog, include dismiss action. Then add any options over data-* attributes. And at the end add an attribute data-role="dialog" to your element for initialization dialog. After the initialization, the dialog will be hidden until it is called.

                    <div class="dialog" data-role="dialog">
                        <div class="dialog-title">Use Windows location service?</div>
                        <div class="dialog-content">
                            Bassus abactors ducunt ad triticum.
                            A fraternal form of manifestation is the bliss.
                        <div class="dialog-actions">
                            <button class="button js-dialog-close">Disagree</button>
                            <button class="button primary js-dialog-close">Agree</button>
                    <button class="button primary"
                        onclick="Metro.dialog.open('#demoDialog1')">Open dialog</button>
Use Windows location service?
Bassus abactors ducunt ad triticum. A fraternal form of manifestation is the bliss.

Create dialog at runtime

To create dialog at runtime you mus execute method Metro.dialog.create with required options.

                        title: "Use Windows location service?",
                        content: "<div>Bassus abactors ducunt ad triticum...</div>"


You can set any options to define dialog:

Options Data-* Default Description
title data-title Set dialog title
content data-content Set dialog content. Can be simple html, jquery object or function. Simple html text requires wrapping in a tag
actions data-actions {} Set dialog actions.
actionsAlign data-actions-align right Set dialog actions align.
defaultAction data-default-action true If you are not defined actions to dialog will be added default action
overlay data-overlay true Add overlay when dialog is opened
overlayColor data-overlay-color #000000 Overlay color. Can be hex color value or transparent
overlayAlpha data-overlay-alpha 0.5 Overlay color alpha channel value.
overlayClickClose data-overlay-click-close false Close dialog when user click on overlay
width data-width 480 Dialog width
closeAction data-close-action true If this options is true Metro 4 add event to elements with class .js-dialog-close for close dialog
clsDialog data-cls-dialog Add additional classes to dialog
clsTitle data-cls-title Add additional classes to dialog title
clsContent data-cls-content Add additional classes to dialog content
clsAction data-cls-actions Add additional classes to dialog actions block
clsDefaultAction data-cls-default-actions Add additional classes to dialog default action button
autoHide data-auto-hide 0 If this options > 0, dialog closed after this timeout in milliseconds
removeOnClose data-remove-on-close false If this options is true dialog will be removed after closes
show data-show false If this options is true dialog will be showed immediate after initializing
onDialogCreate data-on-dialog-create Metro.noop This callback executed after dialog is created
onOpen data-on-open Metro.noop This callback executed after dialog is open
onClose data-on-close Metro.noop This callback executed after dialog is close
onShow data-on-show Metro.noop This callback executed after dialog is showing
onHide data-on-hide Metro.noop This callback executed before dialog is hiding

Dialog actions

If you add custom actions to dialog, you can use next options for each action:

  • cls - additional class for action element
  • caption - caption for action element
  • onclick - event function for action element

                    <button class="button info"
                        onclick="openDemoDialogActions()">Open dialog</button>
                        function openDemoDialogActions(){
                                title: "Use Windows location service?",
                                content: "<div>Bassus abactors ducunt ad triticum...</div>",
                                actions: [
                                        caption: "Agree",
                                        cls: "js-dialog-close alert",
                                        onclick: function(){
                                            alert("You clicked Agree action");
                                        caption: "Disagree",
                                        cls: "js-dialog-close",
                                        onclick: function(){
                                            alert("You clicked Disagree action");


Metro 4 contains special object Metro.dialog to manipulate dialogs. This object contains next methods:

  • create(options) - create dialog with options
  • open(el, content, title) - open dialog
  • close(el) - close dialog
  • toggle(el) - toggle dialog state
  • remove(el) - remove dialog from DOM
  • isDialog(el) - check if element is dialog instance
  • isOpen(el) - check if dialog is open