
1. Overview

  • Ace's Javascript files are inside assets/js/ace folder.
  • They are later merged into assets/js/ace.js and assets/js/ace-elements.js for production site using Javscript builder tool
  • There is also assets/js/ace-extra.js used for saving/restoring values and cookie/localStorage functions
  • assets/js/ace-require.js is also used in RequireJS example file at html/require.html

2. Ace demo functions

  • Ace's demo functions are inside assets/js/ace/ace.js which initialize a few variables and initiate some functionality such as sidebar scrollbars, etc.
    So it's optional and is not needed but most of the functionality is initiated by default in Ace's demo.
  • Ace demo function are inside "ace.demo.functions" object and some of them are listed as below:
    1. basics
    2. enableSidebar
    3. handleScrollbars
    4. dropdownAutoPos
    5. ...
  • ace.demo.init calls above functions when document is ready! Or you can call only the ones you want!

3. RequireJS

  • RequireJS example shows how to use Ace's Javascript files.
  • You may need to initiate Ace's functions after RequireJS is loaded: ace.demo.init(true)
  • Please see html/require.html and assets/js/ace-require.js files for more info.