The following libraries, tools and plugins have been used in making Ace admin template.
You can find documentation and examples for each one on their respective pages or you may want to check out Ace demo files.
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Twitter Bootstrap
- AngularJS
- FontAwesome
- Angular UI
- Mustache
- Twitter Hogan.js
- Mustache.php
- Grunt.js
- Google Fonts "Open Sans"
- jQuery Flot Charts
- jQuery Sparklines
- Easy Pie Chart
- jQuery Knob
- Mindmup Wysiwyg Editor
- Toopay Markdown Editor
- jQuery Validate
- FuelUX (Spinner, Wizard & Treeview)
- Dropzone.js
- FullCalendar
- jQuery ColorBox
- jQuery dataTables
- jQuery jqGrid
- X-editable
- Select2
- jQuery Chosen
- jQuery Masked Input
- jQuery Input Limiter
- AutoSize
- Bootstrap Tags
- Nestable Lists
- Typeahead.js
- Dual Listbox
- Bootstrap Multiselect
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Bootstrap DateRange Picker
- Bootstrap DateTime Picker
- jQuery Raty
- Bootbox.js
- jQuery Gritter
- jQuery slimScroll
- Spin.js
- jQuery Mobile (Custom Build)
- jQuery UI Touch Punch
- Google Code Prettify
- Rainbow
- Holder.js
- jQuery Mousewheel
- Respond
- html5shiv
- ExplorerCanvas
- UglifyJS
- CleanCSS
- CodeMirror
- Bower
- Miscellaneous AngularJS plugins