Example Files
I've included some examples which you can find inside examples folder.
Some have a server side handler in PHP language.
Unfortunately I'm not much familiar with other languages and environments to provide examples for.
But if you would like to see more examples, just let me know.
Currently example files are:
File upload example.
Fore more info, you can also see file input element.
Profile image update.
The server side code is same as above examples/file-upload.php
If you want to try this on profile page, you should
edit profile page, remove the section that says:
and use the contents of examples/js/profile-avatar-update.js
Treeview example which uses FuelUX treeview element.
In this example data is loaded from a sqlite database
and some items are randomly pre-selected.
For instance in your app you may want to display a tree and restore user's previous selection.
Fore more info, you can also see treeview plugin.
Widget Box example which show usage of events and function.
You can refer to widget box section for more info.
Wysiwyg example of saving editor's content inside a textarea element and posting it to server.
Fore more info please also see wysiwyg editor.