Ace admin template is based on the latest version of Bootstrap
You may want to have on overview of it
and keep its documentation at hand.
Please use the following link for more info:
Bootstrap Typeahead
There is also a dropped plugin of Bootstrap 2 which is still available in Ace admin template.
It's typeahead
plugin and is used by Tag input plugin and
search box demo.
For more info about it, please see:
To avoid conflicts with the new Typeahead.js plugin, its been renamed to
Of course the plugins have methods to resolve conflicts by
calling $.fn.typeahead.noConflict();
but I found it easier to rename it to something else especially when using
both plugins inside an ajax page and coming back and forth to that page multiple times!
It's the updated version of Bootstrap Typeahead with more features.
For more info and documentation about it, please see its page at:
To use it, you should include: