
Flot Charts

  • Flotcharts is a library used for drawing different kinds of charts.
  • For more info about it, please see
  • To use it, you should include:
    components/Flot/jquery.flot.resize.js (to make it responsive)
  • I have only included the basic files but it has many extra modules for different types of charts which you can download from its page.
  • IE8 support is provided via excanvas.
    You can use the following code to include excanvas for IE8 and below:
     <script src="path/to/components/Flot/flotcharts.js"></script>
  • A basic pie chart example would be like this:
    var data = [
        { label: "social networks",  data: 38.7, color: "#68BC31"},
        { label: "search engines",  data: 24.5, color: "#2091CF"},
        { label: "ad campaigns",  data: 8.2, color: "#AF4E96"},
        { label: "direct traffic",  data: 18.6, color: "#DA5430"},
        { label: "other",  data: 10, color: "#FEE074"}
    $('#piechart-placeholder').css({'width':'90%' , 'min-height':'150px'});
    var my_chart = $.plot('#piechart-placeholder', data, {
     series: {
      pie: {
        show: true,
        tilt: 0.8,
        highlight: {
            opacity: 0.25
        stroke: {
            color: '#fff',
            width: 2
        startAngle: 2
     legend: {
       show: true,
       position: position || "ne", 
       labelBoxBorderColor: null,
       margin:[-30,15] //some offsetting
     grid: {
       hoverable: true,
       clickable: true
    Chart tooltip example:
    //pie chart tooltip example
    //create the tooltip once
    var $tooltip = $("<div class='tooltip top in'><div class='tooltip-inner'></div></div>").hide().appendTo('body');
    var lastIndex = null;
    $('#piechart-placeholder').on('plothover', function (event, pos, item) {
       if(item) {
          if (lastIndex != item.seriesIndex) {
               lastIndex = item.seriesIndex;
               var tooltip_text = item.series['label'] + " : " + item.series['percent']+'%';
           $tooltip.css({top:pos.pageY + 10, left:pos.pageX + 10});
       } else {
          lastIndex = null;
  • Another basic example:
     var d1 = [];//dataset 1 (random data)
     for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.5) {
       d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
     var d2 = [];//dataset 2 (random data)
     for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.5) {
        d2.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);
     //we put the chart inside #sales-charts element
     $('#sales-charts').css({'width':'100%' , 'height':'220px'});
     var my_chart = $.plot("#sales-charts", [
        { label: "Domains", data: d1 },
        { label: "Hosting", data: d2 }
     ], {
        hoverable: true,
        shadowSize: 0,
        series: {
            lines: { show: true },
            points: { show: true }
        xaxis: {
            tickLength: 0
        yaxis: {
            ticks: 10,
            min: -2,
            max: 2,
            tickDecimals: 3
        grid: {
            backgroundColor: { colors: [ "#fff", "#fff" ] },
            borderWidth: 1,
  • Please note that when drawing charts inside a container which is initially hidden, such as a hidden tab pane or a modal dialog, dimensions are unknown and charts may not be drawn properly.
    You should try drawing/redrawing your chart when the container is displayed:
    $('#my-modal).on('', function() {
    $('#myTab a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) {
       //if( $('#my-desired-tab') ) my_chart.draw();


  • Sparkline plugin generates small inline charts.
    For more info please see
  • To use it, you should include:
    and excanvas for IE 8 and below:
     <script src="path/to/components/jquery.sparkline/index.js"></script>
  • A basic example could be like this:
        tagValuesAttribute: 'data-values',//the attribute which has data
        type: 'bar',
        barColor: '#FF0000',
        chartRangeMin: 0

Easy Pie Chart

  • Easy pie chart plugin generates animated pie charts.
    For more info please see
  • To use it, you should include:
    and excanvas for IE 8 and below:
     <script src="path/to/components/_mod/easypiechart/jquery.easypiechart.js"></script>
  • A basic example could be like this:
           barColor: $(this).css('color'),//maybe take bar color from text color
           trackColor: '#EEEEEE',
           scaleColor: false,
           lineCap: 'butt',
           lineWidth: 8,
           animate: /msie\s*(8|7|6)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) ? false : 1000,//don't animate for IE8 (too slow)

jQuery Knob

  • jQuery Knob is a touch friendly dial.
    For more info please see:
  • To use it, you should include:
    and excanvas for IE 8 and below:
     <script src="path/to/components/jquery-knob/js/jquery.knob.js"></script>
  • A basic example could be like this:
  • Please note that latest version of jQuery knob doesn't look good on IE8.
    So you might want to include an older version it using IE conditional comments: